Batman Begins 2005 720p BluRay x264

moviePG-13June 30, 2020
Driven by tragedy, billionaire Bruce Wayne dedicates his life to uncovering and defeating the corruption that plagues his home, Gotham City. Unable to work within the system, he instead creates a new identity, a symbol of fear for the criminal underworld - The Batman.
IMDb Rating
2h 20min
Top Review

To start off this review I'd like to go back to the original batman series. Adam West hammed it up in what has to be the campest yet enjoyable version of batman. It was cheesy, it had the POW, WHACK, KABOOM, very very tongue-in-cheek which, brings me to my next point, is what batman eventually became. Batman, featuring Michael Keaton was a good film, keaton was a good batman, he portrayed the dark knight to a whole new army of fans, a darker batman, less camp, plus with a villain such as Jack Nicholson (turning in another great performance) as the Joker it was win win. Where from there? A sequel, Keaton yet again, Batman Returns, not as good as its predecessor but still a thoroughly enjoyable film with the villains being Penguin (Devito) and Catwoman (Pfeiffer) adding something different to the batman series. All is going well, then things start to go sour. Keaton is gone and in comes Kilmer who has to be the most wooden Batman ever, in come the clichés, the tongue in cheek one-liners and so on but Batman still has some credibility until, dare I mention it, Batman & Robin. This ruined the Batman series with Clooney just being the eye-candy for the ladies, the addition of Batgirl (oh dear Lord) and the villains just coming out with the most tongue-in-cheek one liners ever, example Mr Freeze "You're not sending me to the cooler", wrong, oh so wrong. Something had to be done and this was Batman Begins. This film rescues the Batman series single-handedly, it's a shame it didn't start off this way as it might not of died on it's rear. Bale is an inspired choice as Batman bringing a more serious side to Batman, the story is well paced, it's not all talk or just mind-numbing action, it actually keeps you gripped as you want to find more about Bruce Wayne's past. The only reason it misses out on a 10 is the quite pitiful bad guy scarecrow If you've not seen it I don't want to give too much away about the story but throw away all your perceptions about Batman because Batman is back and Batman has truly begun. D-man.

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Cast Overview
  • Christian Bale
  • Michael Caine
  • Ken Watanabe
  • Liam Neeson
File Size
901.0 MB
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