Batwoman S01E10 480p WEBRip x264
She is a biker lesbian with short hair, Ramones t-shirt and possible anger issues. Could they have put anymore stereotypes into one character? I felt like they drop you into the middle of a story. There is so much back story about her family, her ex-girlfriend, her personal life, Bruce Wayne/Batman and Gotham that isn't discussed. Not to mention that security guard seems to know a little too much. Bottom line the storyline felt rushed and the character seems to be a walking lesbian stereotype from the 80s. As a huge Batman fan I was excited to see this as a member of the LGBT community I'm concerned where it is going to head when it opens with a lesbian character defined by such close-minded stereotypes. Hopefully it joins us in the 21st century where a women knowing martial arts and ridding a motorcycle doesn't make her a lesbian.
- Camrus Johnson
- Rachel Skarsten
- Meagan Tandy