Before S01E07 720p WEB-DL x265
"Before," created by Sarah Thorp and premiered on Apple TV+ in October 2024, is a psychological horror thriller that stars Billy Crystal in a lead role. The series follows the life of Eli, a child psychologist who recently lost his wife to cancer, and his daughter Barbara, struggling with depression and anxiety. One of the series' strengths lies in its ability to explore themes of grief, mental health, and the supernatural. Crystal's performance as Eli is nuanced and complex, showcasing his character's emotional depth. The supporting cast, including Rosie Perez and Miriam Shor, adds depth and complexity to the narrative. The production values are impressive, with special effects that use de-aging techniques on Crystal and Judith Light in flashbacks, creating a unique and nostalgic atmosphere. The series also features a distinctive visual style that adds to the tension and fear. However, the series does have its shortcomings. The writing is disjointed, with weak tropes and predictable storylines. The pacing is often stagnant, with episodes feeling dragged out and lacking in momentum. Additionally, some veterans like Hope Davis and Rosie Perez are stuck in thankless roles. Despite these shortcomings, "Before" remains a series worth watching for fans of psychological horror and those who appreciate Billy Crystal's performances. Rating: 6 out of 10.
- Billy Crystal
- Jacobi Jupe
- Ava Lalezarzadeh