Castlevania Nocturne Complete S02 720p WEB-DL x265

What made the first engaging to watch is villains. Or more precisely antagonist. Then the cast, that clicked right away. This... This is like recycle the world built in the first and try to pack in with action in compact format to composite for the lack of everything that made first good. I am not talking about visuals, casting, cgi, animation and etc. That's all on par with first but about any meaningful substance to the characters. You are thrown into boiling pot and by the end of the seasons it stills, and things get stitched together, no longer is about, why do you so randomly introduce this blank character be it on good, bad or neutral side. What's with the main plot drive, it's lamest. With first you had Dracula, you had mob, you had his wife burned on stake, let the world burn. In this one, they try to make more complex but all they do is sluggish build up that's really just convoluted, version of - > rich bad guys - > corruption - >dominate - > peasant equal lifestock. Monster behind it all from Eastern Europe. God forbid it's from France where its all happening. All in all really disappointing season and they are just milking on success of first.
- Edward Bluemel
- Thuso Mbedu
- Pixie Davies