Cha Cha Real Smooth 2022 720p WEB-DL x264

A decent movie about a 22 year old trying to find his way in the world. He is sweet and upbeat despite his fast-food job and girl friend off to Barcelona and maybe not coming back to him. He meets a somewhat older woman with issues, and there is mutual chemistry. (His attraction to older women is set up in the opening scene of him as a preteen suffering a hopeless crush.) This showing of the movie was a bit surreal. Apple, a company known for its success at addicting people to their silly devices, hired a uniformed brute squad to make sure no one recorded anything. And indeed, they did remove several of the degenerate phone addicts who cannot live for ten minutes without the fix of a beep to remind them that they are alive. The guards marched around, keys jiggling, opening doors to the bright outside, sometimes talking to each other. Thanks, Apple. The production values were mixed. In scenes with more than a couple of people, it was very hard to make out the dialog. Visually, everything was bluish with sharp focus close up and fuzziness beyond. I wish they'd spent a little more on production values and a lot less on hiring copyright thugs.
- Cooper Raiff
- Dakota Johnson
- Evan Assante