Cobra Complete S02 480p WEBRip x264

In reply to the reviewer who finds the entirely realistic portrayal of people in power by the dreaded white men. I don't know what you are seeing but I am seeing a diverse, REALISTIC cast where, unbelievably, people like me are let loose to do important stuff. You have your agenda. I personally am tired of seeing drama that is *always* female led, where every position of power is occupied by a woman, often non-white, and men are relegated to the idiot role. I'm looking at you, The Bodyguard. It does happen here too - the home secretary is the stupid man foil here. And he is a white man. I find THAT offensive because it is the new normal. So when you complain about white men being in a pretty standard and realistic number of positions, I ask you to consider that in other dramas the pendulum has swung way too far the other way. I object to that and believe me when I say that I have many more occasions to be offended in this modern woke diverse era than you. Well done to the producers for injecting some realism in casting. I will grant you that possibility a couple more power roles could have gone to diverse actors, but overall everybody is pretty reasonably represented given the actual makeup of this country.
- Victoria Hamilton
- Robert Carlyle
- Richard Dormer