Dark Waters 2019 720p SCREENER x264
moviePG-13January 17, 2020

A tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths to one of the world's largest corporations. In the process, he risks everything - his future, his family, and his own life - to expose the truth.
IMDb Rating
2h 6min
Top Review
It feels like this movie is being swept under the rug. I won't say by whom, but I will remove my tin foil hat now. Fantastic fantastic film. This movie really rocked my world. It took me a few days to calm down I was so enraged at the subject matter. Unbelievable crimes against humanity. But because Dupont makes 75 billion dollars a year nobody can touch them. Not even the government. Evvryone should see this. Very thrilling and well made. Mark Rufallo can go fly a kite though. He's the same as he always is
Cast Overview
- Mark Ruffalo
- Anne Hathaway
- Tim Robbins
- Bill Pullman
File Size
877.0 MB
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