David Blaine Ascension 2020 720p WEB-DL x264

movieTV-14September 9, 2020
David Blaine will redefine magic once again for an unprecedented live event at a time when the world could use a positive distraction.
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Top Review

Because is too stupid. People have been sky diving.since always Lots of people have attached themselves to balloons and flown around since always too. People have jumped from more than 100.00 feet high in a more interesting and professional way. And they made a show almost 3 hour long about a guy skydiving from 24900 feet? For David Blane, I am sure that was awesome...as a TV show it is like a boring relative that comes to visit and never leaves. Total waste of time. This is one of these shows that needs some heavy editing to remove 80% of the dull boring parts.

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Cast Overview
  • Luke Aikins
  • Mike Bauwens
  • David Blaine
  • Dessa Blaine
File Size
1.2 GB
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