Doctor Who 2005 S14E00 Eve Of The Daleks 480p HDTV x264

4/10, and I'm being generous, after rather enjoying Flux, I was looking forward to this. What an incredible disappointment this was, some nice ideas, but the execution was shocking. The story......they trailered it so much, so everyone must have known the plot, The BBC itself feels like it's stuck in a time loop. For years now, Agnes has been in search of the perfect Christmas tree, and The Doctor has been battling Daleks, there's nothing like variety. BBC, variety is good, it's so good!!!!! The Daleks were pretty stupid here, and perhaps all need to go for target practice. Each time they appear they seem diminished somehow. The Doctor referenced Supermarket Sweep, an episode of that would genuinely would have been better viewing than this. It's a toss up between this and Mrs Brown's Boys for the real festive turkey. Bad, really bad, 4/10.
- Aisling Bea
- John Bishop
- Nicholas Briggs