Ethos Complete S01 TURKISH 480p WEBRip x264
tvseriesTV-MANovember 17, 2020

A group of unique characters from dramatically different socio-cultural backgrounds meeting in startling circumstances in the vibrant and colorful city of Istanbul, some by chance and some by force of will.
IMDb Rating
Top Review
This is the first time for me to write a review for a turkish series as a turk. I didn't want it to end. So captivating, real and sincere. It's a perfect look to the country's current problems, perfect characters&acting. The cast is amazing but I have to say, Öykü Karayel is something else.. I hope this series can be a mirror to the ones who need it in my country..
Cast Overview
- Öykü Karayel
- Fatih Artman
- Funda Eryigit
- Defne Kayalar
File Size
100.0 - 161.0 MB
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