Groundhog Day 1993 REMASTERED 720p BluRay x264

My brother told me that some people say "ground hog" day is one of the most spiritual movies ever made. First times I watched the movie ( I already have seen it a dozen times) I just laughed about it. But after some times watching I saw what the director wanted to say with it. In my own life the same thing happened but not as heavy as in the movie. I mean, in my life the day just become another day. ( really I ask myself, the only thing that was different that was the date) I think a lot of people live in groundhog day, doing the same thing again and again, not taking the best out of life. Just living without any consciousness. Not having enough time by their own fault, because time is a thing you can offer yourself by making other choices. Groundhog day....I personally am getting rid of that day more and more fortunately and finally too. More and more I am trying to make best of life and using every day in another way. I am not crazy. No, I just watch movies with some kind of view lately. In every movie there is a hidden message told. Enough about Ground Hog day....I gave the movie an 8 because the number 8 is the number of eternity. And that's also a thing the movie is about. About eternity and not about the bad and boring repeating of the stupid livings. Danny
- Bill Murray
- Andie MacDowell
- Chris Elliott