Hells Kitchen US S20E13-E14 480p WEBRip x264

tvseriesUSeptember 7, 2021
Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors through an intense culinary academy to prove they possess the right combination of ingredients to win a life-changing grand prize.
IMDb Rating
Top Review

The first few seasons were engaging and even worthy of binge watching. Then the show nosedived in season 9. Tried to watch season 10 but the constant edits make me dizzy. It´s as if they hired the dumbest producers and editors they could find starting in season 9. If these people were contestants on the show, they'd be making dishes with 90% salt and hot peppers and 10% actual food. I thought the show might make a good drinking game, but you'd be falling over even two minutes in. This was the idea: take a swig every time you see or hear: * edits after less than 3 seconds (two swigs if less than two seconds) * strobe lights * dizzying camera pans or zooms * obviously coached, overacted reaction shots * commentaries that look like they're being read off cue cards * loud kettle drums or explosions * music louder than the person talking And as a bonus, finish your glass if a quiet, talented person is sent home. It´s too bad they ruined the show like this. I was enjoying watching it as a guilty pleasure during my workouts.

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Cast Overview
  • Gordon Ramsay
  • Jean Philippe Susilovic
  • Scott Leibfried
File Size
218.0 - 254.0 MB
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