Hudson and Rex S02E15-E19 480p HDTV x264

This is getting better as it goes. I feel like people/networks/studios do not give series a chance anymore. Yes it is a little corny, and the acting is a bit wooden sometimes, but I still like it. I do agree I wish the show would embrace it's location and people more. So many Canadian shows barely acknowledge they are in Canada. They all seem to have no accents, unless someone slips, ( like ahboat, for about). I am American. I watch shows from all around the world and I enjoy it. This show is rated G, the dog is great and the plots remind me of old Murder She Wrote, or Rockford Files. That type of murder mystery. There is always a market for that kind of show. Embrace where you are shooting and from. The show is practically 100% Canadian actors.
- John Reardon
- Mayko Nguyen
- Kevin Hanchard
- Justin Kelly