Just Mercy 2019 480p DVDScr x264

I just got out of an advanced screening of Just Mercy. I was surprised to see it was only half full. Normally these advanced screenings are almost sell outs. I can't believe this blatant injustice was based on a true story, based off the lawyers book. Considering it is based on a true story, it is a bit precicfable at times, and you know where it is going most of the time. I also need to add, it is not a feel good movie at all, but I think most people will like it. It is a very compelling movie, I was wrapped up in it throughout. Michael B Jordon is terrific, Jamie Foxx gives his best performance since Collateral and Ray!! Rob Morgan and Tim Blake Nelson offer solid support, whilst Brie Larson is also effective. Possibly my favourite performance from her. It will be interesting to see if it gets any Oscar love, Foxx really deserves a best supporting nomination. I hope this finds an audience, it deserves to.
- Michael B. Jordan
- Jamie Foxx
- Brie Larson
- Charlie Pye Jr.