Love Is Love Is Love 2021 720p WEB-DL x264
movieDecember 16, 2021

Three sto\xadries that explore love, com\xadmit\xadment, and loy\xadal\xadty between cou\xadples and friends. "Two for Din\xadner" where a mar\xadried cou\xadple tem\xadporar\xadi\xadly liv\xading in two dif\xadfer\xadent loca\xadtions are more sep\xada\xadrat\xaded than they think. "Sail\xading Les\xadson" about a long-mar\xadried cou\xadple who spend a day on a sail\xadboat rekin\xaddling their romance... and unex\xadpect\xaded events arise. "Late Lunch" where a young woman who recent\xadly lost her moth\xader gath\xaders togeth\xader a group of her moth\xader's friends to share mem\xado\xadries, with sur\xadpris\xading rev\xade\xadla\xadtions.
IMDb Rating
1h 31min
Top Review
This is by far the most drawn out boring and badly acted movie I have had the displeasure of viewing.
Cast Overview
- Rosanna Arquette
- Justin Ashforth
- Kathy Baker
File Size
727.0 MB
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