Mayans MC S03E01 480p WEBRip x264

Not sure why there are so many harsh reviews. For the ones trying to compare it and it's characters to SOA ... Just don't... Just because its set in the same universe with certain tie ins doesn't mean it should be compared to it. I personally love the universe Sutter created and am thrilled that he is adding to it. I do still hope that he does something with the original nine of SOA, but that is a different story. Mayans is hitting that same place for me that SOA did. Its been hard to find another show like that as SOA is my all time favorite. To the ones saying that it isn't original the way SOA was, well ... That particular concept will never be completely original again because its already been started. That said, this show does still have its own sense of originality within the same universe and is standing on its own just fine. As for all the complaining about the subtitles... I'm not exactly sure what they were expecting.... I mean, it is a Mexican biker club .... Of course they are going to be speaking Spanish at least half of the time. It would come off fake if the whole thing were done in English. Js. Same thing with the music, if it were all the same type of music used in SOA it would be out of place as well. The culture is a huge part of any show wanting to come off with as much authenticity as possible. Giving mixed types of music ties in to all of that. As to the arm being cut off during interrogation of the Samoan leader, well that guy is the Cartel. Not the Mayans, and yes... Even in real life getting caught stealing from the real Cartel is a death sentence. Period. The Mayans were just the hired muscle to escort the Cartel shipment on this side of the border. I am starting to think mostly that the people leaving bad reviews must not have been paying much attention if they couldn't even figure out the basics of what was actually taking place. I like how they have tackled this show. Give it a chance. Looking forward to season 2!
- JD Pardo
- Clayton Cardenas
- Sarah Bolger
- Michael Irby