Midnight Diner 2019 CHINESE 720p BluRay x264
movieSeptember 23, 2020
When people finish their day and hurry home, his day starts. His diner is open from midnight to seven in the morning. Patrons enjoy home cooking and delicious stories at a master chef's small, overnight, counter-only restaurant.
IMDb Rating
1h 43min
Top Review
Having seen all of the Japanese original that I loved, I watched this out of interest. And... it's OK. Like the American office is also ok, but not as good as the British one, it depends whether you want some more of what you enjoyed. This movie mixes and intertwines stories already done in the Japanese, with a bit of extra too. Not a spoiler, this one explains how the chef got his facial scar, only hinted at in 50 episodes and movie in the other. What makes all the Midnight Diner so strangely compelling is that like the master chef, you do come to care about these very ordinary people and their stories.
Cast Overview
- Tony Ka Fai Leung
- Tony Yo-ning Yang
- Tao Liu
- Yibai Zhang
File Size
650.0 MB
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