Mr Nobody 2009 Extended 720p BluRay x264

movieRMay 28, 2020
Nemo Nobody leads an ordinary existence with his wife and 3 children; one day, he wakes up as a mortal centenarian in the year 2092.
IMDb Rating
2h 21min
Top Review

This is a French film in that nothing happens for 2.5 hours but it makes you think. It's filmed in English but the fact that it had a French director probably accounts for the style. The film is ultimately about happenstance, the choices we make and what they could lead too. There are elements in there about string theory, the beginning and end of the universe and therefore quantum mechanics. However rather than occurring at the particular level the events and interactions making up the film and possibilities take place between human beings. Rather than the few outcomes that could possibly occur from the entanglement of electrons or protons at the subatomic level this film deals with the truly infinite outcomes of what might be. There is some mention of life before birth and life after death but this is only touched upon and not explained in any fashion. There are also some scenes which appear to involve time travel, or something similar. I thought these elements didn't add much too the film yet didn't detract from them either. Their presence was mildly confusing or perhaps irritating but probably added just a little bit more of the unknown into the whirling mass of possibilities in life that 'Mr Nobody' attempts to present. I liked this film and will probably watch it again sometime. 8/10

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Cast Overview
  • Jared Leto
  • Sarah Polley
  • Diane Kruger
  • Linh Dan Pham
File Size
1.06 GB
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