Nefarious 2023 720p BluRay x264

movieRAugust 17, 2023
On the day of his scheduled execution, a convicted serial killer gets a psychiatric evaluation during which he claims he is a demon, and further claims that before their time is over, the psychiatrist will commit three murders of his own.
IMDb Rating
1h 37min
Top Review

I frequently despise movies that are entirely dialogue-based, where nothing really happens aside from the conversations. But with Nefarious, I was locked in on that dialogue from beginning to end. This was partly accomplished with good writing. The conversations are interesting and seem strategic by the characters. But the biggest reason it works is the performance by Sean Patrick Flanery. The entire success of this movie rides on him. He knocks it out of the park. His performance is so good, so convincing. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. As I wondered why this talent hasn't launched him to bigger roles, I went back and looked at his history. I've only seen him in Dexter and Saw VII (aka Saw 3D). I have no idea how he hasn't earned bigger roles. The only reasonable explanation would be that he just recently developed this level of skill, which is possible but hard to believe. I enjoyed Nefarious overall, despite most of the movie being very slow. But I did wish there was a little more that would push it past the threshold of being a great movie that I would want to rewatch. I also think the listed genres of horror and thriller are highly misleading. It's neither. If I had to choose, I would describe it as a creepy drama. (1 viewing, opening Thursday 4/13/2023)

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Cast Overview
  • Glenn Beck
  • Daniel Martin Berkey
  • Mark De Alessandro
File Size
669.0 MB
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