Night Court S02E05-E06 720p WEB-DL x265
tvseriesTV-PGFebruary 1, 2024

Unapologetically optimistic judge Abby Stone, the daughter of the late Harry Stone, follows in her father's footsteps as she presides over the night shift of a Manhattan arraignment court and tries to bring order to its crew of oddballs and cynics, most notably former night court prosecutor Dan Fielding.
IMDb Rating
Top Review
Outside of Rauch and Larroquette, the casting is just terrible. Most of them overact nearly every line. Then again, it could be the writers. But then again, poor writing would not account for terrible acting in every episode, and all the time. Or at least, that was my initial thought. As the season goes on, the writing becomes worse. They try to get cheap laughs but the genuine funny is few and far between. And having the lame laugh track audible for every flat joke, makes the bad jokes stand out. If it were not for Melissa Rauch and John Larroquette, I would wish that this show be one and done.
Cast Overview
- Melissa Rauch
- India de Beaufort
- Lacretta
File Size
109.0 - 111.0 MB
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