No More Bets 2023 CHINESE 720p WEB-DL x264

movieSeptember 20, 2024
A depressed programmer and a model decide to seek gold as a seemingly good job opportunity, but they inadvertently become involved in a well-planned Internet scam.
IMDb Rating
2h 10min
Top Review

This movie really offers an unprecedented look into the complex web of the new type of overseas telecommunications and cyber fraud. The plot draws inspiration from real fraud cases across China, featuring realistic portrayals of the industry's inner workings. I was impressed by Director Shen Ao who revealed that he studied over 10,000 cases and interviewed a variety of people, from victims to police officers, to gain inspiration for the movie and also sought help from police and the anti-fraud center to collect information related to such online scams over the past three years. Considering the amount of information gathered and people involved, I think the plot successfully managed to unfold from the perspectives of the criminals, the police and especially the victims. Some scenes seemed indeed quite cruel but it was stated the actual cases are even more extreme and what really went on was a hundred or a thousand times darker, crueler, and more brutal this movie came across as very realistic and I think overall the actors did a really great job. I can understand now why the movie is considered so far a major success and since it was released amid widespread debate around overseas cyber fraud on social media, where dozens of people shared their experiences of being tricked by lucrative job offers, I believe "No More Bets" will hold a profound significance by educating people and by preventing others from being scammed.

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Cast Overview
  • Yixing Zhang
  • Chen Jin
  • Mei Yong
File Size
963.0 MB
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