Not Dead Yet S01E03-E04 480p WEBRip x264

No. This show is NOT Ghosts. This show is its own show. The lead actress is funny and open and lost. She's trying to find her way on Ticktock. !! After the second episode, the roommate is opening up - and things are getting even funnier. I give her credit for learning from people she is forced to deal with - has no choice in the matter. They are who they are and they are dead so they don't have to be anything they don't want to be!!! Holy cow! Watch out! I know what I'd be like if I were give the golden ticket to say exactly what I want to to everyone! The cast is great. The one flaw I find is the silliness with the Lauren Ash character, Lexi. It goes a bit broad and is often too much. Lauren Ash deserves better. It cost them 1 star. This show is FUN! It's not quite bubble gum for the brain, but I know that I won't have to do any heavy lifting or thinking. I can just watch and enjoy. And maybe take away a nugget or two.
- Gina Rodriguez
- Hannah Simone
- Lauren Ash