Old 2021 KORSUB 480p HDRip x264

This is going to be a tough review to do, as I prefer my reviews to be spoiler free. Generally, I don't think I recommend "Old" - though there are some aspects of the film that I did like. Three families arrive on a secluded private beach organised by the resort that they are staying at. Having been there only a short while, several unnatural situations begin to occur. One, they cannot leave the beach, either by walking back through the caves that brought them there, or by swimming away and two, they have all started aging rapidly. This means that the children age from 8 to 15 in just a couple of hours, but for the adults this means they'll live the whole remainder of their lives on their beach today. With the positives first, I really liked the cinematography of the film and the audio work. There are these wonderful spinning 360-degree visuals, and shots that focus on one character perfectly whilst the camera is moving. If this is what you get from Shyamalan shooting on film stock then he shouldn't ever go back to digital work. There are stereo audio tricks too, with conversations drifting in and out focus as characters move through the scene. But technically is, for me, the only place the film really excels. For a few moments, I thought that the film was going to resemble Darren Aronofsky's "mother!" in that the trappings of the movie would ended up being an allegorical tale for life itself and had the movie ended with that, I think I'd have been happier with it. As it is, the film rumbles of for another twenty minutes of reveals that don't stand up to much scrutiny and undermined what the film might have been. It's surprisingly chaste for its 15 certificate, with only one scene really revelling in the body horror that could have been a lot more prevalent, and I thought several of the performances weren't great. I normally don't like to highlight performances I didn't enjoy but Vicky Krieps, as matriarch Prisca, is a particularly notable miscast. As I'm sure you can tell from the other reviews, it's a really divisive film. Personally, though it's certainly got some technically fine moments, it's a twist too far.
- Gael García Bernal
- Vicky Krieps
- Rufus Sewell