Operation Overlord 2022 480p WEB-DL x264
movieMarch 7, 2022

A week before storming the beaches of Normandy, two US Soldiers infiltrate an abandoned complex to rescue a prisoner of war from the clutches of the Nazi regime.
IMDb Rating
1h 20min
Top Review
Clearly these filmmakers had zero budget to work with. Worse than Lloyd Kaufman because Kaufman and Troma know they're bad and they don't try too terribly hard. That makes their films watchable and fun. This was just bad and they don't know how bad it is...or maybe they do. The camera work, the editing and the script was waaay bad. Only positive is they lit a guy on fire. That was cool. But other than that...bummer of a WWII film. Amateur hour from the looks of it.
Cast Overview
- Thom Hallum
- Billy Blair
- Stacey A Sheffield
File Size
312.0 MB
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