Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Mans Chest 2006 480p BluRay x264
moviePG-13June 21, 2024

Captain Jack Sparrow works his way out of a blood debt with the ghostly Davy Jones to avoid eternal damnation.
IMDb Rating
2h 31min
Top Review
A great continuation from the first movie! You definitely need to see the first movie before this one, otherwise you'll miss some crucial elements about the various characters and plot. Don't miss the bonus scene at the end of the very long list of credits. Casting was brilliant and not a flaw anywhere. Left me excited about the third movie. Johnny Depp is fantastic! Depp deserves to be nominated for this role! The special affects and action scenes were exciting and showed tremendous thought and skill into the making of this movie. The movie was suspenseful, dark, funny and contained beautiful cinematography. The costumes and makeup were amazing.
Cast Overview
- Johnny Depp
- Orlando Bloom
- Keira Knightley
File Size
736.0 MB
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