Saturday Night 2024 720p WEB-DL x264

Now to set the stage for my review, I am not a fan of Saturday Night Live, but I also don't hate the show. I have seen clips of this show on YouTube, there have been stars from this show that went on to do bigger things in their careers and I've only watched one episode and that episode was hosted by Sydney Sweeney. Aside from that, this is a show that never grabbed my attention and I'm not really a fan of sketch comedy. However, when I heard that Jason Reitman was directing a movie based on the events that happened prior to the debut of this show, I naturally decided to give it a chance and I had a fun time with Saturday Night (2024). Positives for Saturday Night (2024): This movie was a chaotic roller coaster from start to finish. This movie has such as wild paced to it that does require you to pay attention to it and it worked for the most part. The actors do a fantastic job at portraying these people from the 70s and while it was a little distracting trying to see some of them portray certain people from that show, they all do great in their roles. The comedy in this movie is very funny and some of the skits they were doing got a couple of chuckles out of me. And finally, the movie does a fantastic job at making this set look and feel chaotic. Negatives for Saturday Night (2024): The movie is a little too chaotic for me. There are certain conflict where it feels like they rushed to the resolution without giving any proper buildup to it. And finally, the movie has such a fast paced to it that I couldn't keep up with it at times. Overall, Saturday Night (2024) is a fun experience from start to finish and if you're a fan of this show, then I would highly recommend this movie.
- Gabriel LaBelle
- Rachel Sennott
- Cory Michael Smith