Schitts Creek S06E03 480p WEBRip x264

I'm one of the many who, I admit, expected absolutely nothing from a show called Schitt's Creek, so never bothered to even have a look in. Well, I'm here to say I have never been more wrong about a television program! Absolutely love this, and I feel sorry for those who don't get the abundant clever-but-subtle humour that has obviously gone straight over their heads and caused them to leave bitter, whining, negative reviews. Too bad for them, but it's their loss. Schitt's Creek grew on me episode by episode, so much so that I binge-watched the first 4 seasons on Netflix over a weekend! Once in, I couldn't leave! It just gets better and better and I didn't want it to end. I am now watching series 5 and will be awaiting the sadly final series come January 2020 (I hope). I read too many negative reviews from people whining about CBC nepotism and the fact that Dan Levy got a job on this show through his father, so please take note: Dan Levy is the creator of Schitt's Creek, so it could be said he gave his father this job. Together they put this show together, and by bothering to read the credits it's clear that Dan wrote and directed (I think) many of the episodes. On top of that, he plays David brilliantly! His sweetness, fashion obsession, insecurity, need for approval and wit are so cleverly played. People complaining about Dan Levy and his facial expressions: Hello! Those are part of his brilliant performance as David. All the characters express so much with just a glance, an eyebrow twitch or the sardonic curl of a lip -- words aren't even necessary with actors this accomplished! Daniel Levy: you have brought joy to my heart with your writing and portrayal of David Rose! Alexis Rose is annoying, dreadfully so at first. But she learns, she evolves, she grows as time passes. As does David. They are very believable as brother and sister, even sometimes displaying similar mannerisms and expressions. Such clever writing, acting and directing. I have laughed out loud watching Schitt's Creek. I have felt delighted, annoyed, surprised, cringey, charmed and deeply touched. Season 4 episodes Open Mic and The Olive Branch brought tears to my eyes. "That" scene in Olive Branch I have rewatched about a dozen times and will watch again and again. (Avoiding spoilers here so not saying more than that.) David Rose. I just want to put my arms around him, give him a big hug, tell him he's beautiful and good and right and that everything will be okay. Love, love, love Schitt's Creek. Love the humour, the satire, the subtle jokes and the big, fat broad ones, and most of all I love the love. It's a beauty!
- Eugene Levy
- Catherine O'Hara
- Dan Levy