South Park The End Of Obesity 2024 720p WEB-DL x265

While latest south park episodes might not seen as good as the earlier to mid seasons, this special was really good especially compared to the recent seasons. I really liked kyle in this movie and he exactly acted like in the prime era of south park. We finally see more of kenny who was treated like a background character in the recent south park episodes. Cartman was iconic as always and butters is butters. I loved the jokes and we finally saw less of Tegridy randy. Randy reminded me much more of the prime era south park. Tegridy has been overused in the latest seasons so having a whole south park movie with only one mention of it is a relief. The moms were funny and i just hope south park continues to bring back the good ol south park. Let's hope season 27 will be as good as this special. I still love every episode but we gotta admit that season 5 to.season 13 was the prime era for south park.
- Kimberly Brooks
- Vernon Chatman
- Feraz Ozel Ellahie