Star Trek Discovery S00E10 Short Treks Ephraim and Dot 480p WEBRip x264

Where do I begin... At first I was very excited about the Start Trek revival, with todays CGI it had to be good. Wrong. Proof again that CGI cannot make up for poor stories, ridiculous acting, and side-stories which have no place in it. The CGI is great for a show, the time-travel technology is interesting, and the spore drive, although almost mythological, and interesting concept. The acting of some character is good (Emperor, Ash, Pike, Lorca), but some characters such as Tilly, Michael, Owosekun (constant crying, behaving like children, irrational) are absolutely cringeworthy to watch. In addition, the amount of rainbow relationships and their disproportionally pushed romantic scenes are more than annoying. There is more drama with Stamets and Culber then in a dramatic movie. Obviously the inclusion is not the issue, but the spotlight is completely disproportional and clearly intentional. This is not Star Trek, it is a rainbow space show for the snowflakes of the current generation (I say this, as being part of it). Such a shame. It's a show I would be happy if it gets cancelled.
- Sonequa Martin-Green
- Doug Jones
- Anthony Rapp