Star Trek Discovery S00E11 Short Treks Children of Mars 480p WEBRip x264

Why oh why is every damn episode about Burnham? If she was a likeable character then fair enough but - and let's be honest - she shouldn't even be on board a starship, let alone a ranking officer! Saru is a likeable character, Tilly is.. well.. Tilly. And the rest of the bridge crew? Umm.. unlike, TOS, TNG, Voyager and Enterprise where people could name the majority of the bridge crew after the 1st season, with Discovery, I haven't a clue! And this is after 3 seasons!! That alone says it all!! The Art work, CGI/FX are absolutely stunning but the characters are just so hollow. With the exception of Saru, the rest could all be replaced and I doubt anyone would notice the difference. This is down to just poor scripts. Get rid of the current writers and get some in who know how to create characters and stories that we want to invest our time in. And CBS should put someone in charge of the project who at least cares about the franchise. The only real notable characters were Orca, Georgia, Pike, Spock and Saru. That really does say it all... One more season maybe to turn things around? Let's hope they don't screw up the Georgia series or Pikes return in the Enterprise...
- Sonequa Martin-Green
- Doug Jones
- Anthony Rapp