Star Wars The Clone Wars S07E03 480p WEBRip x264

tvseriesTV-PGMarch 7, 2020
Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu and other Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.
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Well, after a sceptical start with the clone wars animated movie, the actual TV series is getting better and better. Slightly bumpy start however. (Droid voices????) But as the "Shadow of malevolence storyline unfolds, it is clear that Star Wars is back in star wars territory. Great little storyline, and episode 3 is just true to the spirit of the original Trilogy and yet keeps with the clone wars setting. Episodes 4 & 5 are even better, and as a listener to the podcasts on the interviews are brilliant too. The creators are aware of what we like and don't and they reassure us not to worry, as some very cool stuff is still in the pipeline. I even rewatched the clone wars movie again now its out on DVD and i like it 10 times better than i did before. I guess everything was new. I also found out that the movie was the first stuff they filmed for the series and that everything that has come since has been improved upon, and much has yet to be seen. I am looking forward to the episode i saw in a clip where we see a flashback of General Grievous become what he is now. Anakins character is actually likable now. And Asoka is less brattish than she was in the movie. Just a shame about the damn droid voices. Less is more sometimes eh! Well done George and the team. So far i'm loving it, and cant wait for each episode. Finally, some of us may actually understand what GL was trying to achieve with the prequels. The kids love it too. I hope it gets a little darker though, or at least remains at the level of the malevolence storyline. Cant wait for the LIVE ACTION show next year too, but I hope that one is gonna be dark and for the fans, and not for the kids. (As promised.) Then, i think balance will be achieved. Clone wars for the kids, fine. But if they make Star Wars TV for the fans, all may be forgiven. Oh, one last thing... Needs a little bit more John Williams score. Pleeease??? _______________________ EDIT: 2010 OK, series 2 is now half way through.... WOW!!!! It has just changed completely, series 1 was great with teathing troubles as I stated in my review. But series 2, THIS IS STAR WARS!! And its a shame to say it, especially as i didn't mind the prequels too much, but I wish they would re-do the prequels in this animated style. 100 times more character than the live action. I now LOVE this show. My only gripe now is with the Cartoon network, who keep skipping weeks of showing it. People keep missing it and viewing figures will drop, and its the show that will get the blame yet its because its hardly aired consistently. This has happened with LOST and other great TV. People miss it and then forget about it. TV is based on viewing figures, so let us view it damn it! Keep em coming and thank G for the darker more adult turn of series 2.

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Cast Overview
  • Tom Kane
  • Dee Bradley Baker
  • Matt Lanter
  • James Arnold Taylor
File Size
72.0 MB
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