Survivor AU S08E03-E04 480p HDTV x264

tvseriesJuly 26, 2021
A reality show where a group of twenty-four Australians are stranded in a remote location with little more than the clothes on their back. The winner takes home $500,000 and the title of Sole Survivor.
IMDb Rating
Top Review

I will start by saying that I think Australian Survivor does a GREAT job in casting. I would LOOOOOVE to see a crossover with AU and US tribe mates! The only problem I have with the show is Jonathan LaPaglia's approach at tribal council. He does not let tribal happen organically. He stirs up too much at tribal. Probst does a far better job, and LaPaglia would do better to keep it more like Probst. The amount of time spent on each episode at tribal is ridiculously too long. The constant probing questions as to who is going to be the next person out, defeats the purpose. Apart from that, I do believe out of all the English versions of Survivor, Australian Survivor does the best apart from the US. Both seasons on New Zealand were bland, and South Africa had some unforgivable antics with an immunity idol. Anyways, AU is doing a great job for the most part! I love this show!

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Cast Overview
  • Jonathan LaPaglia
  • Locklan Gilbert
  • Michelle Dougan
File Size
519.0 - 533.0 MB
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