Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022 720p WEB-DL x264

movie18February 18, 2022
After nearly 50 years of hiding, Leatherface returns to terrorize a group of idealistic young friends who accidentally disrupt his carefully shielded world in a remote Texas town.
IMDb Rating
1h 23min
Top Review

Whenever I watch a Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel, I realize what makes the original 1974 film so iconic. This 2022 sequel is also a completely forgettable one, ideally made for instant consumption with not much to read into. The script is a bland mess - there's zero depth to any of the characters, including Leatherface himself. It doesn't even bother to show that Leatherface has been living in hiding all these years because he pops up exactly when you expect him to, unlike in the original where you gasp for a few moments. If you haven't watched the original, it will simply seem like a big, bulky guy randomly going on the run with a chainsaw in hand, chopping people. In my eyes, there's no Leatherface without the Sawyer family. Where it does score a little is in the gore department. Some kills end up being a lot bloodier than you might think. But the payoff is so little I couldn't care less for any of the characters or the surface-level social commentary it offers. The bus scene is a gory delight, serving up a couple of minutes of good, old-fashioned slice & dice. The Sally Hardesty subplot is a replica of what they tried to do with Laurie Strode in the Halloween sequels, sans any texture. I loved Elsie Fisher in Eighth Grade, but this film doesn't even attempt to get anything out of her. The atmosphere too, didn't evoke Texas enough. I'm not exactly interested in another sequel to this, but I'd still watch it because of its connection to the original.

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Cast Overview
  • Sarah Yarkin
  • Elsie Fisher
  • Mark Burnham
File Size
595.0 MB
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