The Craft Legacy 2020 720p WEB-DL x264

I do really like the original but I never grew up with it so I don't have that connection with it like some other people. That being said this film was still not great. I did actually enjoy some parts especially when the group were kind of just hanging out together and being fun. There are so many dead end plots that just go absolutely no where like just nothing happens. For example there is this random scene where someone sleep walks into the main girls room, it is played as a jump scare. And then we never hear of it again. It was pointless and an absolute waste of time. This is just one thing, there are many other things like this. This is a stab in the dark but when watching I realised a few scenes from the trailer were absent from the movie and I feel like this is maybe why so many sub plots are just dead in the water because they are all on the cutting room floor. I found that the ending seemed tacked on too and was just super unnecessary and then even more so the scenes that take place after the climax of the movie. They once again just felt like "oh here is an idea...actually never mind". I think this movie would have been so much better if they just focused on the group and didn't bog it down with everything else. I also didn't like that they were just like had powers from the start there was no build up like in the original and no scenes where they had to practice them. I really liked that it was a pretty inclusive movie and had a inclusive feeling running though the middle of it. One small nit pick as well is that I really didn't like the soundtrack and score. It was such a hodge podge and didn't do the movie any favours. The original movie is such a time capsule of a time and culture in the 90s and this was just like all over the place.
- Cailee Spaeny
- Zoey Luna
- Gideon Adlon
- Lovie Simone