The Goldbergs S07E09 480p WEBRip x264

This was written at almost the end of the first season. I can't speak for more than that. But so far, It's really, really funny. If you did not experience the 80s, you may not 'get it.' But if you are old enough to remember the 80s at all, this show is hysterical. It's pretty funny anyway, but being a part of that decade and remembering everything that this show has gotten so RIGHT makes it extra special. It's not 100% dead-on as far as a perfectly written, directed or acted show goes, but there are so many moments during every episode that I laugh out loud, due to something the perfect cast does to bring back such great memories. There are some things that will vary from this family and yours. If you want it to mimic your family, go make your own show. But this family is FUNNY. It's obviously a very 'Jewish' type family, and my family is not. That is the only part I can't relate with. But everything from the clothes, the games, the toys, the furniture, the chords on the big phones, the electronic gadgets we though were 'sooo coool,' the cars and the movie references - - and so many other things -- are all so endearing. The way they twist these things into a funny dialogue is great. You can't help but try and remember yourself or one of your family members doing something very close to what the characters are doing. Every episode I find myself saying, "I remember when I did that," or "My Dad said that same thing!" Although my Dad did leave his pants on. Sometimes I'm remembering myself as the little kid, other times I'm the older brother. What good times. I sincerely hope this show sticks around because I'll watch them all. If you are a child of the 80s or if you raised children during them, you'll dig this show.
- Wendi McLendon-Covey
- Sean Giambrone
- Troy Gentile