The Goldbergs S08E17-E18 480p WEBRip x264
tvseriesTV-PGApril 22, 2021

Before there were parenting blogs, trophies for showing up, and peanut allergies, there was a simpler time called the '80s. For geeky 11-year old Adam these were his wonder years and he faced them armed with a video camera to capture all the crazy. The Goldbergs are a loving family like any other, just with a lot more yelling.
IMDb Rating
Top Review
I haven't seen a single commercial for this show, but I recognized the mom from Reno 911 and figured I would give it a shot. It's actually pretty good. Having grown up in suburban Philly in the 80's, they have pretty much nailed a typical Northeast Philly suburb. The writing is good, and the plot is fun to follow. I think you will really enjoy this show if you like smart, funny comedies you can relate to. The clothes are dead on for 1985. The house is exactly like every house I ever went into in our neighborhood, and just as tacky. The family dynamic is very familiar, and accurately represents a typical Philly family. I urge you to give this show a chance. You will more than likely see a lot of your own family in these characters.
Cast Overview
- Wendi McLendon-Covey
- Sean Giambrone
- Troy Gentile
- Hayley Orrantia
File Size
94.0 MB
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