The Looney Tunes Show Complete S01 480p WEBRip x264

First I'd like to state I'm a huge fan of the Golden Age of Cartoons, particularly Warner Bros. and Walter Lantz (Woody Woodpecker) studios. I've purchased all of the Golden Collection DVD's and both PLatinum Collection Blue Ray releases. That being said, I LOVE this update. We all should realize that nobody will EVER be able to come close to the genius of the originals. Those cartoons were created in a completely different time under completely different circumstances with completely different artists. If they tried to rehash the old style it just wouldn't work... So...they did the smartest thing they could have which is to reset the franchise into a modern, sitcom style while paying homage to the original characters and the original spirit. If you read every venom-spewing review here you'll notice one common denominator: everyone complains that the new show is "different" than the original. I would bet my house that if the show tried to rehash the past and recreate the old style, these SAME haters wouldn't like it either. Well you can't please everyone and judging by the ratings more than enough of us "get it". I for one love Daffy's character and I really like the way Porky is wishy washy...Lola Bunny is hysterical and Foghorn's character update fits his classic persona, only updated for modern times. Bravo! Now, when will we see a new episode? We've been stuck on Episode 10 of season 2 since Mid-December...
- Jeff Bergman
- Bob Bergen
- Fred Armisen