The Magicians US S05E03 480p WEBRip x264

At the beginning of Season 1 everything in this show is really weird and artificial. The characters felt gimmicky and that got more pronounced when you'd realize they're suppose to be playing teenagers. The plot also feels rushed, you feel there is more content between the lines that you can't really read. Things get more interesting when the main antagonist shows up and from there things start to look a bit better. What really kept me with this show are the characters (despite the acting) because there are no good/bad guys. I mean, there are villans and heroes but even while they're doing good all the characters seem a bit bored, like they're doing it because they think it's proper, not because they feel it's right. In that way they seem more inline with modern culture that always wants excitement but can never get satisfaction out of anything. As this series is progressing through seasons it's getting better and better. The plots are craaaaazy, Alice in Wonderland level crazy, and characters keep growing with the story and changing which is surprising because I never would have guessed it from season 1. Highly recommend watching it if you like something different and out there I've seen reviews online that rate this show badly solely because it's not Harry Potter. I am a fan of HP too but this is not that kind of magician story, so keep an open mind.
- Stella Maeve
- Hale Appleman
- Arjun Gupta