The Unicorn S02E09-E10 480p WEBRip x264

Mrs. Shullivan and I are big fans of actor Walton Goggins. I was so looking forward to watching him star in this new sitcom. Then, in the opening scene, in walks actress Michaela Watkins, she opens her mouth and she is the epitome of the KISS OF DEATH to any TV series that she cameos or stars in. I have nothing personal against Michaela Watkins, but darn it, she has appeared in so many sitcoms that never seem to hang around for more than a year or two. I can only assume that she has some strong connections to the producers of these various sitcoms and they will keep plopping her into a role, any role, to see if she can just blend in. The same can be said adding salt to a soup, but a bland soup is still a bland soup, just with more salt. Goggins plays Wade Felton, a widower with two (2) daughters and they agree that after a year of grieving he should start dating again. His friends help him set up a profile on a dating website and because he notes he is a widower the eligible women are like fish literally jumping in to his proverbial boat thinking he would be a great catch. I am not sure if Goggins can carry this sitcom on his own, especially if Michaela Watkins who plays his neighbor steals some of his scenes valuable air time with her constant babbling (Just like in her other sitcoms. Uughhhhh). Think how you would feel sitting in front of a nice warm wood fire eating buttered popcorn and watching a very suspenseful movie, and every five minutes or so someone opened your patio door and a very cold breeze and wet snow put out your fire, that is what Michaela Watkins does for me. I don't think it is a coincidence that whatever sitcom(s) she appears in, the fire goes out prematurely.
- Walton Goggins
- Rob Corddry
- Omar Benson Miller
- Maya Lynne Robinson