Tomb Raider The Legend of Lara Croft Complete S01 720p WEB-DL x265

I was really excited for this. I thought maybe now they finally understand what the fans want. Maybe I can trust them now after the TR remasters. Wrong! When in development they had an interview with the show runner and she had 3 of the original Tomb Raider games with her so I thought hey they're finally going to honor the story elements and characters from the original timeline including some of Lara's original backstory and past from that timeline and work it into the anime creating new and exciting story elements to connect the survivor timeline with the original. How exciting. I was so wrong. They really made it sound like that's what they were doing. Nope, it was all a lie. Everything was only about the survivor timeline and games. They said they're unifying the timelines and this did not do that. I didn't see any unifying anywhere. The show runner said this would show things in Lara's life we wondered about. It sure did not. I wondered how she met Larson, Pierre, what were the events leading up to her getting her home that's in the original game, her adventure taking out big foot, more lore to the original character with added original stories, and so much more all absent. I wanted to know more about characters from the original timeline that were in Lara's life in her early days and none of them are there. Not one scrap of any story elements or characters from the original timeline are mentioned. I guess except for one character who doesn't even resemble his original design and who's orientation was changed for the "modern audience". Lara doesn't look like herself and often doesn't act like herself and I got bored quickly. The animations are so fast and none of Lara's movements resemble her movements from the original games which this anime is supposed to be unifying with. They put Easter eggs from TRs past throughout which was fun but that's not enough especially when you disregard everything from TRs past from story elements to characters, Lara's power fantasy design and leave them all out of the story and create something completely different and unexpected from what a majority of the fans wanted and were expecting. They again keep forcing Lara's parents into every story, event, and adventure since 2006 and completely disregarding anything about Lara's backstory, friends, and characters from the original timeline. The fans have said over and over again. We are done with family drama, we like Lara looking beautiful and being a power fantasy character, we like her intuitively and instinctively being courageous, strong, independent with an attitude, threatening but never looses her cool and she didn't have to go thru trauma to get there. It's how she is naturally. It's how she was born to be. Everything feels forced since the 2013 storyline including in this anime. The anime had nothing to do with what I thought it was going to do. It did not show how Lara became a legend, a famous archaeologist and her becoming the awesome character that she was originally created to be. 2nd was connecting the story's, characters, Lore, and events of the classic series with the survivor series. They keep wanting to reinvent the character and disregard what came before and in return it alienates the reasons everyone fell in love her and the series/games in the first place. I did somewhat enjoy the globe trotting around the world and some of the adventure/action scenarios but like I said the animations and transitions are fast and don't resemble Lara like movements. It was also nice to see the Easter eggs but they ultimately left me more disappointed as the story and lore had nothing to do with anything or any events from Lara's life that was written in the original source material and games. There's not enough here to win over long time fans and it never really truly resembles the spirit of Tomb Raider or Lara Croft that was created in the beginning. It does not honor the source material's stories that could have been easily added in, to connect these separate timelines and even build new story's with familiar characters and events fans have wondered about in Lara's life that were mentioned in the original Tomb Raider timeline.
- Hayley Atwell
- Earl Baylon
- Allen Maldonado