Tracker S01E03 480p WEBRip x264

I SO much wanted to like this series. I really did. But the pilot was just borderline, so I optimistically waited for S1E2. Unfortunately, it further confirmed my initial reaction: this is Déjà vu TV and not in a good way. So far everything has been done before--and better. Older viewers can probably remember shows that have used this same formula: protagonist with baggage in his past works with a somewhat nerdy guy/gal who does the tech behind the scenes, and is supported by handlers that behave like office managers. The story lines have been superficial, the action sequences forced and illogical. There's also some very amateurish editing. For example, in S1E2 at approximately 11 minutes, it's raining and his truck is wet, windows dotted with drops. The very next scene right afterwards the truck is not only dry and detailed spotless, but the passenger window is rolled down. Seconds ago it was a downpour. Really? Most scenes are not filmed contiguously, but since these shots occur sequentially, it was quite an obvious gaffe. I know we live in a world of remakes, re-issues, re-mixes and sequels to the max. It's a sign of no originality and lack of writing talent. Yes, this show *might* survive past S1 as we've seen that quality does not correlate with success (and the opposite is also true). Intelligent shows have suffered premature deaths while drivel like could potentially live on. Perhaps Paramount will put it out of its misery sooner than later. No, it's not the worst show on TV, but I'm going to pass on the remaining episodes.
- Justin Hartley
- Robin Weigert
- Abby McEnany