WWE Backlash 2020 PPV WEBRip x264

Backlash 2020 was an "Okay" PPV. Now lets review the positives and the negatives , The Positives : The US title match was an okay match. Apollo Crews retaining was the right choice here. It was nice to see KO stunning Angel Garza. Now I wanna see Apollo Crews in a new feud. The Women's Tag Team title match was not bad. I was rooting for the champions and they won. TBH i thought they would lose and they would go one step forward to their breakup but thank god they didn't. Lets just save that when the fans come. Besides,Sasha Banks Bayley are the kind of champions who go to every band. Sheamus vs Jeff Hardy was not bad either. I thought Jeff Hardy was gonna win but didn't. The match may have gone a bit longer but okay. I guess their feud is not over yet. The Universal title match was better than expected tbh. I didn't have high expectations on this match. There was no way Braun was gonna lose here. The WWE title match was the 2nd best match of the night. Despite Lashley lost he still looked strong. Which was exactly what was needed. The ending was exactly what i predicted. Drew McIntyre is in the best form of his life. The Greatest Wrestling Match showed that Edge still hasnt lost a step. He still got it very well. He used every move in his arsenal and used some new as well and this was Randy Orton's best match in a while. It was good to see the punt kick back even just for 1 night. The negatives : To me there was not any negatives on the first 2 matches. The negative of the 3rd match was it went a bit long i think and also I think Sheamus winning wasn't the right result. Asuka vs Nia Jax started to become a good match but they had a horrible ending. It hurt Asuka more than it helped Nia Jax. I guess a rematch will be seen on RAW. The Universal title match's negative side was there was no Fiend. Everyone including me wanted to see him attack Braun after the match. The WWE title match was good but it should've gone a bit longer. What the hell was that about the RAW Tag titles !? To some people it was entertaining but to me it just wasn't and what the hell Akira Tozawa was doing there ? It wasted people's time They have been calling this "The Greatest Wrestling Match" for over a month now but it ended in a low blow ! Really !? The match was good no doubt but it was never gonna live up to the hype.
- Adam Copeland
- Randy Orton
- Drew Galloway
- Bobby Lashley